Traditional correspondence chess federations are listed in the category Correspondence- and e-mail chess (almost all links in that category have reference to correspondence chess), whereas organizations and clubs for e-mail chess can be found in the category Playsites, because they emerged because of Internet and presuppose Internet.
The list of chess federations with functioning homepages is in principle complete.
The Nordic countries:
Dansk Skakunion - The Danish Chess Federation home page. The member magazine, Skakbladet, appears with 8 issues yearly and can also be read in pdf-format.
Göteborgs Schackförbund, the district federation of Gothenburg, which organizes 18 clubs.
Icelandic Chess Federation (Skáksambands Íslands) - Iceland is an unusually strong chess nation considering the number of inhabitants. Languages: Icelandic and English.
Nordiska Schackförbundet (The Nordic Chess Federation) was founded in 1889 and its aim is to promote chess life and to develop the cooperation in the Nordic countries.
Nordvästra Skånes Schackförbund - represents no less than ten clubs in this chess-tight part of Scania.
ShakkiNet - the Finnish Central Chess Federation with information in Finnish and English.
Sjaktuellt - The Norwegian Chess Federation and the Youth Chess Federation have sections connected to this site. The Norwegian Chess Federation publishes the member magazine Norsk sjakkblad.
Stockholms Schackförbund has a home page, which seem to be updated often.
Sveriges Dövas Schackförbund - The Swedish Chess Federation for Deaf People.
Sveriges Schackförbund - the Swedish Chess Federation nowadays has a well-done and substantial home page. The site of course contains important chess news and also a comprehensive list of Swedish clubs. SSF also publishes Tidskrift för schack, the oldest chess magazine in the Nordic countries. You can read eight pages of every issue online.
Talvsamband Föroya - the Faroese Chess Federation.
Östfolds sjakklubber - home page, which represents sex chess clubs in a district close to the Swedish border. Substantial site, which often is updated.
The rest of Europe:
Albanian Chess Federation has an unofficial website on Facebook.
Association des Clubs Scolaires d'Echecs Varois - 20 clubs with more than 1000 licensed players in the department of Var in France belongs to this association.
Austrian Chess Federation has a modern and competitive homepage.
Bayerische Schach-Jugend is the youth section of the Bavarian Chess Federation. Language: German.
British Chess Federation - Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands have their own chess federations.
Chess Federation Bulgaria - the page is only in Bulgarian. Beautiful page.
Chess Federation of Slovenia - this site performs also the functions of a chess portal with all manner of useful information. Languages: Slovenian and English.
Chess in Scotland has been out on the web since July 1997.
Corsica Chess Federation organizes 8 clubs - 10 players with a rating above 2000. The homepage is tempting. Language: French and some Corsican.
Croatian Chess Federation - chess has been played in Croatia for more than six centuries - according to a legend even longer. Languages: Croatian and English.
Cyprus Chess Federation has a homepage in English.
Czech Chess Federation - the site is only in Czech.
Deutscher Schachbund - The German Chess Federation - was founded 1877 in Leipzig. It has about 94.000 members in 3000 Clubs and thus belongs to the biggest chess federations in the world. Very frequented site.
Eesti Maleliit - the Estonian Chess Union. Languages: Estonian and Russian.
European Chess Union organizes the European chess federations and represents their interests in FIDE.
Federacao Portuguesa de Xadrez - the Portuguese Chess Federation has a very beautiful home page.
Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine - the homepage of the Bosnian- Hercegovinian Chess Federation functions as a real portal. Partly in English.
Federació Catalana d´Escacs - the homepage of the Catalonian chess federation. I visited Barcelona July 2001 and honours Catalonia in this way. Language: Catalan.
Federació d´Escacs Valls d´Andorra - the Chess Federation in Andorra has a very appealing homepage. Language: Catalan.
Federación Ajedrez Region Murcia - regional federation in Spain. The site has a section with games collections sorted according to openings.
Federación Espanola de Ajedrez - The Spanish Chess Federation. Language: Spanish.
Federación Insular de Ajedrez de Gran Canaria organizes more than ten chess clubs. Language: Spanish.
Federazione Schacchistica Italiana, the Italian Chess Federation. Language: Italian.
Fédération Française des Echecs - The French Chess Federation. Language: French and English.
Geneva Chess Federation organizes eight chess clubs. Language: French.
Georgian Chess Federation - Georgia has many strong chess players, male as well as female. Language: English.
Greek Chess Federation was founded in 1948 and has arranged some Chess Olympiads. Languages: Greek and English.
Guernsey Chess Federation, which has one FIDE delegate, organizes a chess club too.
Hungarian Chess Federation is called Magyar Sakksövetség in Hungarian. It is quite obvious from the start page that Judith Polgar and Peter Leko are of Hungarian descent. Languages: Hungarian and English.
Kuzey Kibris Satranç Federasyonu - the northern Cypriot chess federation has a well-done website. Language: Turkish.
Le site des jeunes de la FFE - the youth section of the French Chess Federation has a stylish site.
Liechtenstein Chess Federation - the male team from Liechtenstein came in the ninety-fifth place out of 141 teams in the Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia. Creditable. Language: German.
Lithuanian Chess Federation - Litauen has about 200 players with a rating of at least 2000. The website gives relevant information. Languages: Lithuanian, English and Russian.
Malta Chess Federation is publishing ratings for Maltesian players for two type of chess tournaments - the Rapid Play (15 minutes per player), and the Standard Play (time greater or equal to 2 hrs per player).
Montenegro Chess Federation - previously together with Serbia in one federation. The official rating list registers 200 players with a rating starting from around 2000. Language: Serbian.
Nederlandse Schaakbond - The Dutch Chess Federation. Language: Dutch.
Polish Chess Federation (Polski Zwiasek Szachowy) - it is a pity that this homepage is colourless (see also the homepages of the Swedish and Czech Chess Federations). Only in Polish.
Russian Chess reports about Russian chess. Two different rating-list in connection to the site.
Serbia Chess Federation - previously a joint chess federation with Montenegro. The official rating list shows more than 2400 players above a certain ELO rating. Languages: Serbian and English.
Slovak Chess Federation with a simple and functional homepage. Languages: Slovak and partly in English.
Swiss Chess Federation has a solid homepage. The indefatigable Victor Korchnoi has the highest rating among Swiss players.
The Chess Federation of Belgium with a homepage using both the French and the Flemish language.
The Chess Federation of Yugoslavia has an experimental home page with many links to other chess federations.
The Irish Chess Union has a nice and very readable homepage.
The Ulster Chess Union is responsible for organising, administering and developing chess in the Province of Northern Ireland.
Ukrainian Chess Online informs about chess in Ukraina. Also in English.
Welsh Chess Union - Wales has its own chess federation.
Up!Main entrance!
ASEAN Chess Confederation was founded on 28 May 2000, in Vung Tau, Vietnam, whereby its constitution was approved. The founding members are the national chess federations of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Brunei Chess Federation has a homepage, which chiefly reports about the chesslife in Brunei. Language: English.
- the official home page of All India Chess Federation.
Macau Chess Federation - the homepage is old. Language: English.
Mongolian Chess Federation - it is difficult for an outsider to comprehend the content, because the text is in Mongolian and written with Cyrillic letters.
Sri Lanka Chess Federation - South Asian Chess Foundation is also associated to this site. Language: English.
The Lebanese Chess Federation - with 8 players above 2000 in rating. Language: English.
The Singapore Chess Federation - with more than 1000 players on the rating list from October 2002.
Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu, Turkish Chess Federation, has a new homepage in Turkish and English.
United Arab Emirates Chess Federation was founded in 1976. Taleb Mussa, born 1978, is the best player with a rating of 2439.
Uzbekistan Chess Federation was founded in March 1996. Rustam Kasimdzhanov was the best Uzbek player in September 2009. Language: Russian.
Vietnam Chess - Vietnam has more than 70 players with a rating above 2000. Remarkably many young people among the ten best players. Languages: Vietnamese and English.
Algeria Chess Federation reports about tournaments in Algeria and appears to have a comprehensive activity among youngsters and pupils. Language: French and Arabic.
Burundi Chess Federation (FECHEBU) is been affiliated to FIDE since 2000. Language: French.
Chess Federation of São Tomé and Principe was founded in 2003 starting from a nucleus of organized chess activities dating back to the eighties. Language: Portuguese.
Chess South Africa - The South African Chess Federation has recreated their homepage in a new and better version.
Egyptian Chess Federation has many good male chess players. Languages: Arabic and English.
Morocco Chess Federation (FRME) - Hicham Hamdouchi is the best player in Morocco with a rating of 2567. Languages: French and Arabic.
Namibia Chess Federation has obviously carried out national championship competitions in chess at least since 2005.
Tunisian Chess Federation has a female chairman. Information in Arabic, but translations to French and English are planned.
Uganda Chess Federation was founded in 1972 and became the first Federation in East Africa to get affiliated to FIDE in 1978. UCF has been sending teams to the chess olympiads since 1980. Language: English.
Australia and Oceania:
NZ Chess reports about chess in New Zealand.
The Australian Chess Federation has a substantial site, but the web design is not very modern.
The Fiji Chess Federation - Keiran Lyons, 16 years, based in Australia, became the first Fiji player to be awarded a FIDE title (WFM) in February 2005 .
South and Central America:
Ajedrez de El Salvador - an unusually well-designed and substantial homepage. The later a chess federation delivers a homepage to Internet, the more beautiful it is...
Ajedrez en Canelones - the chess federation in Canelones, Uruguay, organizes about 10 clubs.
Bahamas Chess Federation has - with a few interruptions - belonged to FIDE since 1974. There are only 50 active players in the country, but according to the federation there are good prospects for the future.
Barbados Chess Federation sent one of five English-speaking Caribbean teams to the Chess Olympiad in Bled in the year 2002.
Bolivian Chess Federation - Oswaldo Zambrano and J.Cueto are the two best players in Bolivia with a rating about 2400. Language: Spanish.
Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez - the Brasilian chess federation.
De Surinaamse Schaakbond was founded in 1955. Language: Dutch.
Ecuador Chess Federation has been present on the web since 2010. The best player in Ecuador is Carlos S. Matomoros Franco with an ELO rating of 2555.
El ajedrez en Cuba - official website of the Cuban chess federation.
Federación Argentina de Ajedrez (FADA) - the Argentinian chess federation manages the strong chess traditions of Argentine.
Federación Central de Ajedrez - the official website of the Costarican Chess Federation.
Federacion de Ajedrez de Mexico - the chess federation in Mexico.
Federación de Ajedrez del Oeste del Gran Buenos Aires - district organization in Buenos Aires, Argentine, with a well-done homepage. FAOGB also publishes a free monthly bulletin in PDF format. Language: Spanish.
Federación Deportiva Peruana de Ajedrez has a well-made and highly informative website.
FUAjedrez - the official site of the Uruguay Chess Federation.
Ligue d´Échecs du Martinique was founded 1985 and comprises 11 clubs on this Caribbean island. Beautiful homepage. Language: French.
Panama Chess Federation - with sparse information about Panama Chess Federation.
Paraguay Chess Federation has a well-functioning homepage. The former chairman has confessed that cheating occurred in relation to the regular annual meeting in 2001.
São Paulo Chess Federation was founded in 1941. Apart from continuous information about the chess life on provincial as well as national level, the homepage contains chronicles, among others by GM Rafael Leitão. Language: Portuguese.
The Trinidad and Tobago Chess Association in the West Indies is also a member of FIDE. Language: English.
Venuzuela Chess Federation has a well-done and interesting site. 4781 players with ELO-rating the 27/4 2003.
Xadrez Amazonense represents the chessplayers in the Brasilian state Amazônia. Substantial site with not only match- and tournament coverage from the own area.
North America:
Chess Federation Canada - language: English and French.
Colorado State Chess Association - the name of the official and comprehensive website is Colorado Chess Informant.
New Jersey State Chess Federation has more than 2600 registered players with Boris Gulko as highest rated player. Besides usual information the homepage also contains some chess opening theory.
South Western Ontario Chess League - district organization in Ontario, Canada.
Quebec Chess Federation - substantial and well-done homepage. Language: French.
U.S.Chess.Online - the official home page of the U.S. Chess Federation.
Armenian Knight is managed by Aram Hajian and John Boloian. Their goal is to celebrate the accomplishments of Armenian chessplayers and to create a virtual forum for discussion, opinions, and information about the Armenian chess world.
Asociacion Nacional de Padres de Ajedrecistas A.C. - a sort of national union of parents of (young) chess players in Mexico.
Black Sea Chess Association is located in Batumi, at the Black Sea, in the southwestern corner of Georgia.
Chess on Greenland - this site promotes the development of chess activity on Greenland. Also outsiders may contribute. Language: Danish.
Fischerrandom Chess Association - a association for those who like to play Fischerrandom chess. Peter Svidler belongs to them.
Friends of the National Chess Federation of Philippines - language: English. This is a rival organization, founded by some leading Philippin chess players, to the National Chess Federation of Philippines, recognized by FIDE.
Instituto Superior Latinamericano de Ajedrez on Cuba was founded in 1992 in the spirit of Capablanca and wants to promote the development of chess in the whole of South America. Language: Spanish.
Online World Chess was founded early 2001. Its aim is to promote chess and organize chess tournaments worldwide. The company is led by Bessel Kok (CEO) and Ron Jacobs (CFO).
Renaissance Knights a nonprofit organization in Illinois, utilizing chess as a tool to improve academic, intellectual and social skills.
Richmond Chess - this website is intended to promote the game of chess and to inform the community of chess venues, people, events, and activities in central Virginia, USA.
Scacchi a Parma seeks to promote the development of chess in the province of Emilia, Italy, among other things by creating a virtual chess school. Language: Italian.
World Blitz Chess Association is an organization for blitz players.
This section has been deliberately limited, because there are a lot of exhaustive lists on other sites. If you really want to visit clubs, you are recommended to visit New in Chess, Chessopolis or Worldwide Chess Club List - ICC´s list of clubs in the whole world, 987 at the moment (10/3 2003). I will add a link to a club, which has a link to the Chess Portal, with pleasure - just tell me.
Most chess federations have complete list of belonging clubs. Match- and tournament coverage is a special category.
When it concerns Swedish clubs, you are besides Sveriges Schackförbund referred to Limhamns SK, Pinova, Schackcentralen, Schacknyheter among others.
Alingsås Schacksällskap in Sweden has about thirty members with GM Ulf Andersson at the head.
Arboga Schackklubb also has some stuff about Arboga´s prominent chess player, Ulf Andersson.
Karlstad Allmänna Schacksällskap - the club´s history goes back to 1919 - 44 members in the club.
Kristallens SK in Stockholm are partly listed of nostalgic reasons, because I played three games for the club in my youth, two wins and one loss.
Limhamns SK - has four Grand Masters in their ranks, Ivan Sokolev, Jan Timman, Matthew Sadler and Johny Hector. Good link collection with among other things a list of Swedish clubs.
Lunds Akademiska Schackklubb has a well designed home page with good links and news coverage, LASK News - frequently visited according to FIDE´s counter.
Majornas SS - club in Gothenburg, Sweden, which plays in division 1 South.
Malmö Allmänna Schackklubb was founded 1922 and is situated in central Malmoe, a city in south Sweden. 90 players in the club.
Malungs Schackklubb, in Dalecarlia, Sweden, has a homepage on Internet since January 2011.
Mölndals SK - club in Gothenburg with more than 50 members.
SA Mark was founded on 1st of July 2000 in Kinna and is a merger of the clubs Fritsla SS and Kinna SK in West Gothland. Language: Swedish.
Schacknyheter has an extensive list of Swedish clubs.
Skara SS with players like Tiger Hillarp Persson, Slavko Cicak, Einar Gausel, Rune Djurhuus and Ari Ziegler.
SK Passanten - chess club in Stockholm, which plays in the highest division, has refreshed its homepage.
SK Rockaden is a large club in southern Stockholm with more than 1000 members. More than ten teams from the club participate on all levels in Allsvenskan, the highest Swedish division, and district championships. Rockaden has won the Allsvenskan several times.
SK Rockaden Umeå has a professional homepage.
Sollentuna Schackklubb - with 20 players with a rating above 2400.
SS Manhem , a club based in Gothenburg, Sweden, was founded on January 25 1906. Presently Manhem is one of the biggest chess clubs in Sweden, with top players as well as a range of available players. Manhem is the only club in Sweden, which has had two participating teams in the highest national liga, Elitserien, at the same time.
Stockholms Schacksällskap, established 1866, one of Sweden´s oldest clubs.
Uppsala Allmänna Schacksällskap with a solid home page.
Uppsala Skolschackssällskap - the club where all children have a chance of success! The activity has led to a marked increase in chess interest among children throughout the whole county of Uppland. Language: Swedish.
Visby Schackklubb was founded on the 3rd of December 1925 by a dozen chess enthusiasts in Fröberg´s café in Visby, the Baltic island of Gotland.
Västerviks Allmänna Schackklubb - a chess club in a small town but which really goes in for engaging the youth in chess.
Västerås Allmänna Schackklubb was established 1909 - the home page is "on its way of becoming the best chess home page in Sweden", according to the proposer.
Växsjö Schackklubb plays in the first division Central Sweden - totally 176 players in the club.
Åstorps Schacksällskap - club in northwestern Scania.
Örebro Schacksällskap in central Sweden was founded in 1913 and organizes about 50 registered players.
The other Nordic countries:
Bergens Schakklubb - Norwegian grand club with a very good news coverage foremost of Norwegian chess.
Birkeröd - club on northern Sealand. One of the best club pages in Denmark.
Caissa – Forening for skakinitiativ i Kolding - Danish chess club, that not only attaches great importance to the sporting activity but also to the social intercourse.
En Passant, Nörresundby Skakklub i Danmark - Danish club with a lot of useful links.
Komsa Sjakkklubb is the first Lappish chess club on the web. Language: Norwegian.
Nyborg Skakklubb - Danish club on the island of Fyn with more than forty players. The homepage is updated regularly.
Skákfélag Saudarkrokur – Icelandic club site managed by Unnar Rafn Ingvarsson.
Skakklubben Springeren, chess club in Kolding, Denmark, was founded 1940 and has more than 60 members.
Taflfélagid Hellir - Icelandic club, founded in 1991, has now about 200 members. Many of the strongest chess players in Iceland belong to the club, according to the homepage, which certainly is true. Only in Icelandic.
Tromsö Schackklubb in northern Norway has one of the most frequented club sites in Scandinavia, probably due to its news coverage. The webmaster has also listed e-mail addresses to many Norwegian chessplayers.
Vasa Schacksällskap from Finland also has a Swedish version of their homepage. Praiseworthy.
Vejens Skakforening with many nice articles about chess from among others Sören Dippel. Language: Danish.
The rest of Europe:
Agrupacion Artistica Aragonesa from Zaragoza, Spain, has a chess section founded 1918, which has raised many good players throughout the years.
AS Salzburg - Austrian club with a rather new homepage.
ASV Grün-Weiss Wismar 1990 e.V. - chess in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Germany.
Bethune Chess - well-organized French club site. Language: French and English.
Cappelle la Grand - French club, that organizes strong tournaments.
C.D.E. Ajedrez Parque Sur Albacete - chess club in Albacete, Castilla – La Mancha in the south-east of Spain, has an awesome homepage.
Centocelle Scacchi is an independent chess union in Rome, Italy.
Cercle d´Échecs de Danjoutin, French club, which was founded in 1984 and which organizes about 50 players.
Cercle d´Échecs Gambit Luxembourg-Bonnevoie - chess club in Luxembourg, founded in 1936, has won rather many national titles. Language: German.
Cleveland Chess - British chess club with an entertaining homepage.
Club Aranjuez de Ajedrez - chess club in Madrid, Spain.
Club Ateneo Cacereño de Ajedrez - Spanish club site, which reports about local, national and international chess events. Besides this well-done site contains material about chess training.
Club de Ajedrez Ateneo Pablo Iglesias-ELX - chess club not far from Alicante in Spain.
Club de Ajedrez Calatayud - chess club in Aragonia, Spain, has created a new homepage, that the initiators hope will function as a meeting-point for chess clubs and players in Aragonia. Language: Spanish.
Club de Ajedrez de Sevilla Este - some neighbours in a ”barrio” in Sevilla wanted to play chess against each others, founded after a while a chess club in 1995 and recently the club submitted this homepage on internet. The club is marching on. Language: Spanish.
Club de Ajedrez Ebano - club on the Canaries. Highly topical and substantial club page.
Club de Ajedrez Karpov Pontevedra - a chess club from Galicia in Spain. The homepage has been made by a simple blog program, perhaps an appropriate approach for small chess clubs with small resources. The homepage Ajedrez en Pontevedra from the same town is taking a rest at the same time.
Club de ajedrez La Horquilla - Spanish club site under construction, currently offers a chance to replay the immortal game with Anderssen.
Club de Ajedrez Linex-Magic - chess club from Extremadura in Spain. The site is very substantial and ambitious.
Club de Ajedrez Loyola was founded in 1998 by Carlos Ortiz and the chess school at Colegio Jesuitas de Indautxu in collaboration with the Department of Sports at the Deusto University in Bilbao in northern Spain. Language: Spanish.
Club de Ajedrez Oviedo 93 - chess club in Asturia, northern Spain.
Club de Ajedrez Sagrada Familia de A Coruña - the name of the club is taken from the well-known, and still not finished, church in Barcelona. The homepage contains useful information about chess and tournament rules. Language: Spanish.
Club de Ajedrez Xiria - well-done club site from Galicia in Spain.
Club d´Echecs Brunoy - the site gives all information about the chess club in Brunoy, Essonne, as well as it treats chess in general. Language: French.
Club d´Échecs Chaumont is situated in Champagne, France.
Club d´Escacs Alberic - a small chess club in Alberic, Catalonia.
Club d´Escacs Gavà - club in Catalonia, Spain. Nice homepage.
Club Najerino de Ajedrez, the oldest chess club in La Rioja, Spain, has an all-round homepage with specialities about grand chess players and up-to-date news from the chess world.
Comitté des échecs du Bas-Rhin organizes the chess clubs in the region Bas-Rhin in Alsace, France.
Cuna de Dragones became Spanish champions for teams in 2006. Very well-done website.
Echiquier de Vesone, club from Périgueux in France, also has a playsite for turn-based chess (”jeu en différé” in French). Well-done club site.
Echiquier Lempdais has a nice and well-done club site. Language: French.
Echiquier Quimpérois - French club from Brittany. The site contains a lot of information about French chess players as well as eminent non-French players.
Evry Grand Roque - well-done French club site, that also contains chess news and chronicles.
Frankfurt Chess Tigers Schach-Förderverein 1999 e.V. has an advanced club page with chess news and a chess university under construction. Language: German.
Gambit 89 Saarbrücken, the somewhat different chess club in Saarbrücken, Germany, experiences during 2006/2007 its best season. The first team became an easy Saarland Champion and advanced to the”Oberliga”.
Göttinger Schachtreff is a rendezvous for chess players from Göttingen (in Germany) with surroundings, who meet once every week. Language: German.
Hull Chess Club - "Yorkshire's Premier Club". The webmaster has also compiled a Chess Endgame StudyBase CD, with 35000 endgame studies, for sale.
JSK Échecs - chess club in Koeningshoffen, just outside Strasbourg, Alsace in France. It is not the strongest club in France, but the homepage is pleasant.
Kings Head Chess Club is "London's most exciting and friendly, central pub-based chess club." Entertaining and substantial club page.
La Diagonale du Roy - French chess club in Provence, which also is involved in a regularly recurrent rapid chess tournament on a high level.
La Tour Hyeroise - the chess club in Hyeres is one of biggest clubs in France concerning the number of members.
L´échiquier de la Butte - a chess club, which is situated in the 18th arrondissement in Paris. Its playsite on the net is open for all visitors of the site.
L'Echiquier de la Tour d'Argens - French chess club close to Saint-Tropez in Provence has an extensive activity: a chess school for children with hundreds of participants, a chess camp, conducted by a GM, in the beginning of August every yea, a chess festival every second year and an organized exchange, for example playing correspondence chess, with a foreign club every year.
Le JÉEN (Jeu d'Echecs à l'Ecole Normale) is a chess club, which was founded in 1984. The club can count more than a dozen French championships and has also represented France at world championships. The aim of JÈEN:s is to develop the game of chess as well as to help all club players to improve their game, regardless of their level.
Liestal Schachklub in Swiss, has an unusually good link collection.
Littlethorpe Chess Club - “we are the largest (and the best!) chess club in Leicester in UK”.
Rheydter Schachverein 1920 from Mönchengladbach in Germany can set up no less than six teams.
RT Schach is one of the largest chess clubs in the Bavarian region of the Oberpfalz - but by far not the strongest. The club is mostly active in something that's called "Breitenschach" in German. RT Schach is playing with four senior teams and one youth team and is organizing two tournaments at regular intervals. Language: German.
SC Angelbachtal - club in the state of Baden in Germany.
SC Baden-Oos plays in the German Schachbundesliga and has besides a pretty homepage.
SC Dillingen - club in southwestern Germany with 89 members, which can muster seven teams, has also a well thought-out club site.
SC Forchheim plays in the German Bundesliga.
SC Gorredijk - chess club in Friesland, northern Holland.
SC Grafenau has - thanks to Wolf Gregor - a section, Kombi-Ecke (Combination Corner) with 90 tactical exercises (10 new exercises every month) from real master games and also a photo gallery of all world champions. Language: German.
Schaakverening Steenbergen - Dutch chess club.
Schaakvereniging UVS - an utmost well-done Dutch clubpage, also with many chess links.
Schachbezirk Magdeburg - the chess district of Magdeburg comprises at least eight chess clubs. Language: German.
Schachbezirk Mittelbaden e.V. focuses primarily on chess news from Mittelbaden, but the site is well organised and has a wide range of other content. Language: German.
Schachbundesliga - the world´s strongest chess league got just in time to the season start in 2009 a new web portal. ”It has been created a modern and dynamic web presence, which optimally presents this strategic and emotional sport.” Language: German.
Schachclub 1868 Bamberg - Alexander Mikuta, who plays in the club´s first team, is webmaster. Language: German.
Schachclub Bad Harzburg - this clubsite also contains a lot of information about computer chess. Language: German.
Schachclub Freibauer 1980 Moerlenbach - Birkenau e.V - Mörlenbach is a little town in Germany with 10000 inhabitants, but nevertheless the chess club has succeeded to advance to the second division of the German Bundesliga.
Schachfreunde von 1891 Friedberg is a club with a long history and belonging to the best in Oberhessen, Germany.
Schachgesellschaft Winterthur - a very well-done Swiss clubsite. A correspondence chess game, which the club played against Lesegesellschaft Basel in 1850 , can also be replayed on the site. Language: German
Schachklub 1907 Kulmbach - Alvin Krämer has created this well-done site about his chess club, which is situated in Oberfranken, Bavaria. Language: German.
Schach Klub Patzer 93 FFM - chess club from Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which dares to illustrate its homepage with non-figurative art and thereby showing that the club does not restrict itself to "tango chess".
Schachklub Plüderhausen - German club with 29 members for the time being.
Schachverein Meschede e.V - at the time of writing this website is still under construction, though you already can find a great deal of useful stuff in the training section. Language: German.
Schachverein Unser Fritz resides in the hearth of the Ruhr area. Visitors are always cordially welcome. Language: German.
SC Neuhausen - chess club in south Germany. One of its members is Sebastian Bogner, 13 years old, who already has won his third IM norm.
SC REX Stans - German chess club with 20 members.
SC Vilshofen - on this site you may find everything about SC Vilshofen e.V.; Vilshofen is situated between Deggendorf and Passau in Niederbayern, Germany.
SG Rochade Kuppenheim - German club with an unusually substantial home page.
Shepshed Rooks Chess Club - club located in Leicestershire, UK. Includes contact details, latest news, league tables, fixtures, pictures, club championship and guestbook.
SK Dinkelsbuehl - small German club, but with a very handsome homepage. The startpage is adorned by Alexandra Kosteniuk, however not a member.
SK Giessen, the oldest chess club in Hessen, also has a photo gallery: chess in the movies, politicians and celebrities playing chess and so forth.
SK Hohenems - with many strong players – became Austrian champions in 2004. Well-designed homepage.
SK König Plauen - one of the most well-designed German club homepages I have seen. Visitors are also greeted welcome in six languages.
SM Caranza - this club from Ferrol (A Coruña) has managed to advance to the division “Honor del ajedrez español” in the Galician league in Spain. Updated homepage when these lines are written.
Società Scacchistica Novarese - chess club in Novara, Italy.
SV Askö Finkenstein - Austrian chess club.
TSV Bindlach-Aktionär - very substantial German club site. Klaus Steffan is webmaster.
TSV Rochade - club, which belongs to the Noord-Brabantse Schaakbond, Netherlands.
TuS 1860 Magdeburg-Neustadt Schachabteilung – chess club in Magdeburg, Germany.
Bangkok Chess Club is the only international chess club in Thailand. The page has been made in cooperation with the Thai Chess Federation.
The Abu Dhabi Chess & Culture Club was started in 1979 and can afford to carry through international tournaments. Language: English.
Espérance Sportive de Tiziouzou is the first Algerian chess club with its own homepage on the net. Language: French.
Goodwood Chess Club - chess club in Azania (South Africa). It started in 1963 with six chess clocks.
Ligue Des Echecs de Tizi Ouzou - 18 chess clubs seem to be associated to this Algerian chess league. Language: French.
Australia and Oceania:
Auckland Chess Centre - this club of New Zealand goes back to the end of the 19th century and states being the best club in Auckland.
The Bendigo Chess Club - Australian club with a nice home page.
Victorian Chess Page endeavours to represent chess clubs, tournaments and non-profit organizations in the state of Victoria, Australia.
South and Central America:
Ajedrez de Punta - this is the chess club at Universidad de la Punta in Argentine. Languages: Spanish and English.
Ajedrez Martelli - the chess club Círculo de Ajedrez de Villa Martelli, which is located in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, was founded in 1954. The club has especially made a reputation by its activity among children. Language: Spanish.
Baxal Tuukul - Mexican club, which has a homepage with a varied and interesting content. Language: Spanish.
Caballeros del Tablero (The Knights of the Board) – the ”principal chess site” in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Club Chaturanga - club in Cartago, Costa Rica, is directed to children.
Club de Ajedrez Concepción - Chilean club with a well-done homepage.
Club de Ajedrez de la UNI - a chess club at Universidad Nacional de Ingenería (The National University of Engineering) in Lima, Peru. Language: Spanish.
Club de Ajedrez Las Dos Torres was founded the 15th of February 2003 in Cumaná, Venezuela.
Club de Ajedrez Monclova - Mexican chess club with a well-designed homepage. Language: Spanish.
Clube de Xadrez de Imperatriz - Brasilian club founded 1998, but with an advanced homepage. Language: Portuguese. - chess club in Costa Rica. Substantial site.
Juarez Chess - homepage for La Union de Los Ajedrecistas in Juarez, Mexico.
JuegoCiencia – Argentinian club, whose activity is mainly presented in a separate blog. Language: Spanish
Linares Chess Club - Mexican chess club.
P4R (Círculo Ajedrez de Míguel Najdorf) - a really impressing club site from Argentine, a country – when these lines are written – has almost 1900 players with a rating of at least 2000. Language: Spanish.
Tablero Tico - club from Costa Rica.
North America:
CalChess, the northern California Chess Association, which also publishes California Chess Journal.
Chess in is developing and promoting chess in the Chicagoland area. The website has a brand new look. You are invited to join their discussion forum as well.
Dubuque Chess Club - chess club in Iowa, USA, one of the oldest clubs in North America.
Escuela Jaque Mate is located in La Paz, Bolivia, and organizes among other things tournament activity.
Kenilworth Chess Club, founded in 1972, is located in New Jersey, USA. Few American chess clubs can compare favourably with this substantial and professional website.
Mechanic´s Chess Club, chess club at Mechanic´s Institute, San Francisco, California, arranges regularly strong tournaments.
Montreal Chess News - local chess news in English and French from Montreal, Canada.
Ohio Chess Gateway - information for Ohio Chess Enthusiasts. Includes a listing of upcoming events and past tournament results.
The Grey Bruce Chess Club - from Canada - has a functional homepage.
The Open File - chess page from Florida.
University of Pittsburgh Chess Club has been on the web since 1996. The homepage is famous for its chess archive, with both game collections and software.
US Web Chess Guide - a list of chess federations and clubs in USA. - American chess club .
Ajedrez Democratico - homepage of World Players´ Council. WPC is an organization led by GM Valery Salov. The organization is very critical to FIDE and the present state of affairs in the chess world. Languages: English, Spanish and Russian.
Amateur Chess Organization is a new World Chess Organization for amateur chess players up to 2400 ELO. Ninety-nine percent of all chess players have less than 2400 ELO and can not earn a living from chess.
Braille Chess Associations From All Over The World - a list of clubs and federations of the blinds in whole the world.
Chess in Albania reflects chess life in Albania, though it is not the official home page of the national chess federation. Language also English.
ChessOrganizer II administrates all chess leagues in the state of Brandenburg, Germany.
Chess Players United would like to create an effective, democratic and independent organization, which could gather professional players and also many people who work professionally in chess: trainers, journalists, computer programmers, organizers, etc.
Deutscher Blinden- und Sehenbehinderten-Schachbund is the Top-Organization of the blind and low visioned chess players in Germany. It has about 400 members in sixteen chess clubs. Languages: German and English.
LatourdIVoirE - a virtual chess club, the first and the biggest virtual French chess club according to them. Evidently the club has about 20 active members.
Selfhelp Chess International is a non-commercial initiative for chess players who are in self-help, youth or leisure groups (people with disabilities or social problems). By a common hobby they want to get new friends and get over or prevent a crisis together. Languages: English and German.
South Asian Chess Foundation intends to support the development of chess on the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.