Correspondence chess has been played in organized forms on an international level since 1928. The present ICCF (see below), which is norm-setting and whose rules are sanctioned by FIDE, was founded 1951. Nowadays ICCF also organizes chess tournaments via e-mail, but traditional correspondence chess will survive until all chess players in the world are able to connect to Internet. This section highlights on this very correspondence chess, which rotates around ICCF. Nevertheless there are other organizations, which apply the same rules. But most of them as well as websites, which act as intermediaries or organizes matches and tournaments in e-mail and correspondence chess, are registered in the category Playsites.
If you are looking for software for e-mail chess, go to Chess software. - the well-laid homepage of the French Correspondence Chess Federation.
All India Correspondence Chess Federation - games are normally played by post-card, although the federation have recently started e-mail play as well. Language: English.
All Service Postal Chess Club organized in the end of the fifties championships in correspondence chess for US military personal, but nowadays anybody may became a member. The club publishes a bi-monthly magazine.
Alle Fernschach-Weltmeister - Stefan Rörich has compiled information about all correspondence chess world champions since 1953. Their games may also be downloaded. Language: German.
American Postal Chess Tournaments, has existed in more than 30 years and arranges different types of correspondence and e-mail tournaments.
An Argument in Favor of Correspondence Chess - John Knudsen argues why you ought to play correspondence chess.
Asociación Española de Ajedrez por Correspondencia has for more than 30 years organised tournaments in correspondence chess, which nowadays also take place on the net. AEAC also functions as a portal for all correspondence-chess players from the Spanish-speaking world.
Asociación Santafesina de Ajedrez Postal (ASFAP) - the only regional correspondence chess federation in Argentine was founded in 1991. Language: Spanish.
Associazone Scacchistica Italiana Giacatori per Corrispondenza - the Italian Correspondence Chess Federation.
Austria Chess Federation - the department for correspondence chess - organizes many kinds of tournaments. Language: German.
Belgisch Schaakbord/L'Echiquier Belge - the Belgian Correspondence Chess Federation publishes a monthly magazine, which can be downloaded in PDF format. Languages: Flemish and French.
Bulgarian Correspondence Chess Federation - the first instances of correspondence chess games in Bulgaria date from 1940. Languages: Bulgarian and English.
Jason Bokar, IM in correspondence chess, has a homepage containing a great deal of facts about correspondence chess in general.
Wilfried Braakhuis, from Holland, became IECG World Champion in 1999. A successful e-mail chessplayer must combine the skills of a surgeon with the nerves of a gambler, he states. Besides he adores Victoria Principal – from ”Dallas”.
British Federation for Correspondence Chess was originally founded 1962. The federation won the gold medal in CC Olympiad XI.
British Correspondence Chess Association is run by David Sugden, who among others has written the DSB Chess Recorder program.
Stephan Buseman - Grand Master in correspondence chess - has a home page, which a.a. contains a section with articles "Using computers in CC - Opinions", which I recommend. CC players are divided regarding the question if it is right or wrong to use chess program to analyze correspondence games. Personally I think that a prohibition against chess programs in this context is totally meaningless, because it is impossible to supervise. If some playsite for correspondence and e-mail chess is explicitly organized on the condition that no player should use chess programs, that condition should of course be respected.
Canadian Correspondence Chess Association with tournament information of current interest and games to download. Language: English. is a commercial project and organizes CC tournaments with high money prizes. This would be impossible without the partnership with IECG, Chess Mail and Chessgate AG.
Chess Mail,with Tim Harding as editor, chiefly deals with correspondence chess.
Chessy - Fernschach im Web - German website about correspondence chess. Database with 350000 games. Lively design.
Correspondence Chess - Frank Seyl from Bonn in Germany, who plays at IECG, is submitting his tournament results and games to the net. Language: English., which is run by John Knudsen, functions as a gateway to correspondence chess. A number of other pages are associated to as for example Correspondence Chess News
Crazypawn - Frederic Fricot finds playing e-mail chess is preferable to OTB-chess due to family reasons. He also presents some of his games on the homepage. Language: French.
Deutscher Fernschachverbund (BdF) - the official home page of the German Correspondence Chess Federation - has nowadays also a game server. There is a separate youth section. Language: German.
Mike Donnelly, IM in correspondence chess, has a homepage with his own games and articles.
Dopisni Sah V Sloveniji (Correspondence Chess in Slovenia) – a very well-done and substantial site in Slovenian.
Échecs PhC - Philippe Chopin, French Correspondence Chess Master in 2004, presents mostly his tournament results and games, which have been played on ICCF and AJEC since 1992, but also some news and reviews of chess literature. Language: French.
Emailchess and Chess in Art by Jim Kearman. The website contains tips about e-mail chess, chess in the world of art and other things.
Félag Íslandskra Bréfskákmanna, that is the Icelandic Correspondence Chess Association, has submitted a new website (only in Icelandic).
Fernschach International - "the most popular chess magazine for correspondence players all over the world" reflects the activity within ICCF. You can order a trial free copy. Languages: English and German.
Fernschachpost, mouthpiece for the German Correspondence Chess Federation, has appeared since July 2005. The magazine contains reliable and up-to-date information about events in the correspondence chess world. Language: German.
Fernschach Wiki - the Wiki-site of the German Correspondence Chess Federation (BdF) is a reference book for all members and visitors. It will provide information about all questions of interest about correspondence chess, the chess game in general, BdF and the world correspondence chess organization, ICCF. Language: German.
Foudumail – club d´échecs par e-mail - the site has been created to support those who want to play e-mail chess. The webmaster has also constructed a free program for e-mail chess, SGEchecsMail. Language: French.
Gladiatoren Ante Portas - two very eminent correspondence chess players, Volker-Michael Anton and Fritz Baumbach, have written this book about the Massow memorial 1996 - 2001, one of the strongest correspondence chess tournaments which ever have been carried out. A CD-ROM with all games is enclosed. Language: German.
ICCF Amici - ICCF´s ezine started on June 10 2004 and appears four times a year. The content is of course first class.
International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF), whose rules are sanctioned by FIDE, has a home page rich in information. There are results from the ICCF tournaments, ratings, game collections and many other things. 60 national chess federations with more than 100000 members belong to ICCF.
LADAC (Liga Argentina de Ajedrez por Correspondencia) - the Argentinean Correspondence Chess Federation was founded in 1945.
Le Cheval d´Odin (Wotan´s horse) - the webmaster plays correspondence chess. Here you can find games, articles, opening analyses and a little of everything. Language: French.
Les Mousquetaires du Roi - the famous musketeers of Alexandre Dumas has been revived as a team of four correspondence chess players engaged in ICCF Champions League. Languages: French and English.
Liga peruana de ajedrez a distancia, the Peruvian correspondence chess federation, belongs of course to ICCF. Language: Spanish.
Ralph Marconi´s Chess Page is mainly devoted to correspondence chess. has many interesting links. The site is also hosting the International Email Chess Group Newsletter and the Social Correspondence Chess Association.
Nederlands Bonds van Corresponditeschakers - the Dutch Correspondence Chess Federation. The most well-known player is Jan Timman, also a very good OTB-player.
Norges Postsjakkforbund - the Norwegian Correspondence Chess Federation was founded 1945.
Victor Palciuskas who became the 10th World Champion in correspondence chess.
Quick Guide to Numeric Notation - a simple summary of the numeric notation, which is used especially in correspondence chess in order to avoid misunderstanding due to linguistic barriers.
Oscar van Rijswijk - a Dutchman, who plays e-mail chess on IECG, presents himself and his ongoing games. Language: English.
Hans Ruwette - his homepage is especially intended for correspondence chess players. You can download games, among them Ruwette´s best correspondence games. Language: Dutch and English.
Sahul Romanesc pe internet (Romanian chess web pages) represents the Romanian Correspondence Chess Federation. Languages: Romanian and English.
Schweizer Fernschachvereinigung - the official correspondence chess federation in Swiss, affiliated to ICCF. Language: German.
Scottish Correspondence Chess Association has a well-done and all-round home page with many links to corrchess and other stuff.
Social Correspondence Chess Association is – according to their presentation - an organisation that provides quality correspondence chess to players of all standards. SCCA was formed in 1940.
Thomas Stock has a link collection to correspondence chess.
Schackförbunds Korrespondensschackkommitté
with information about the tournaments of SSKK,
inclusive e-mail tournaments, the member journal Korrschack, well commented
games and a number of useful links. Language: Swedish.
The Campbell Report is also a site connected to
The Correspondence Chess FAQ has been compiled by Tim Harding. Very useful information.
The Correspondence Chess League of Australia, the official Australian CC organization and affiliated with the ICCF, has a new homepage. The Leauge, which has 550 members, organises Australian CC Championships and plays in NAPZ (North America and Pacific Zone Countries) among other things.
Ukrainian Correspondance Chess Federation - Ukraine is a very strong chess nation and has certainly also brought up many good correspondence chess players. Language: Ukrainian.