This category is not sharply separated from Chess theory. If you do not find what you are looking for here, that category might be worth a visit.
Homepages intended for tournament administrators and arbiters, may be found in the category Tournaments.
Chess Basics - Game-Colony has produced this simple but effective presentation of the chess rules.
Chess rules - Ludoteka explains the chess rules in Spanish, Basque, English and French.
Chessvariants has a section with "The Rules of Chess".
Die Schachregeln für Kinder - this website is intended for children. But grown-ups may also learn the chess rules here. Language: German.
FIDE Laws of Chess is the authentic version of the Laws of Chess, which was adopted at the 71st FIDE Congress at Istanbul (Turkey) November 2000, coming into force on 1 July 2001.
Grundlagen des Schachspiels - simple summary of the chess rules. Language: German.
Jubilo from Colombia has an easily comprehensible presentation of the chess rules in Spanish.
Regle de jeu d´échecs - chess rules from the French version of Wikipedia.
You may find links to chess tutorials in the section Chess software.
50 Chess Games for Beginners - Douglas and Ian MacGregor, two chess enthusiasts, father and son, have created this guided tour, which is based on their own games.
Academic Chess - Eric Hicks once dropped out of high school. Instead he began studying and playing chess and quickly became one of the top 100 players in the US for his age category. This success gave Eric confidence to take up his studies again. To repay what the community gave him, he founded Academic Chess in 1994. AC has taught 100,000 elementary students in over 200 schools throughout California, Nevada, and Utah the game of chess. Useful homepage.
Agrest schackskola intends to run various projects in schools to strengthen the relation between chess and school work, starting from the third class. Language: Swedish.
Ajedrez Escolar - an "alternative place to play and learn chess", located to Argentine. Most of the analyses and the articles is especially adapted to very young players. Language: Spanish.
Apprende echecs - the chess club Figeaçois has a section with chess basics, including mate exercises. Language: French.
Apprendre jouer aux échecs - Berto Dichi, who also has taught chess in public schools in Paris, has compiled this homepage for beginners. Language: French.
Aprende ajedrez - very beautiful and well-done site, which is intended for beginners, with webbased exercises and a little of everything. Language: Spanish.
Chessys Schachschule is part of a project lasting several years which Deutscher Schachjugend has initiated in order to promote the game of chess among children. A clear overview is needed for this to succeed.
Die Coaching-Kiste - a pedagocical site, which contains two sub-sections about scholastic chess and chess training, including a “didactic road plan”. Language: German.
Chess4Children - Joe Hanley teaches chess in the Los Angeles area. The homepage contains some examples of his educational material.
Chess Dominion, which has been developed by Students for Think Quest, contains a little of everything, from an introduction to chess to short player biographies.
Chess Game Strategies - this chess website is built from a beginner´s perspective. The site contains a comprehensive beginner´s chess guide, chess glossary, plus a strategy & tactic section to improve your game (more than 500 video clips). You can also play against a chess program.
chessKIDS academy is a simple and instructive chess site for children and beginners.
Chess Lessons - from Beginner to Master. A section on Logical Chess.
Chess Lessons for Beginners - this web site is the official English version of a very popular French site dedicted to Beginners. It contains 9 lessons allowing the novice to learn the rules and even acquire notions like tactics in a proven step by step methology. Have a look yourself and see why the French version attracted a lot of visitors... (the site is mobile friendly).
Como ganar al ajedrez contains eleven pieces of good advice to win in chess. Language: Spanish.
Curso básico de Ajedrez Master - a basic course in chess. Language: Spanish.
Curso de Ajedrez - nivel iniciación - 20 short lessons with accompanying exercises for beginners. The course has been prepared by EDAMI and is published on the homepage of the municipal admininstration of Dos Hermanas. Dos Hermanas, located nearby Sevilla, Spain, is also well-known for chess tournaments.
Daniel Chess Web - a little chess school on the web with openings, annoted games, mates, pins and so on. Language: French.
Das Mini-Schachlehrbuch des Deutschen Schachbundes - very well-done textbook on the net for beginners. Nette Leute spielen Schach! Nice people play chess! Language: German.
De Stappenmethode is a method in six stages to teach children how to play chess. The course is used by the Dutch Chess Federation as well as many clubs and schools in Holland. The books of the "stappenmethode" are also available in English, German and French.
Die Schachschule - Peter Thomas has composed a textbook, "Die Schachschule", also officially used by the Swiss Chess Federation. He has built up a website around the book, from which you can download diagrams in the book. Language: German.
Échec et Mat! address itself to nine-year-old children and older, to those who do not know the chess rules at all or to those who just want to repeat them. Language: French.
El Caballito de Palermo - Argentinian chess workshop, mainly devoted to children. Language: Spanish.
El Ajedrez - a simple introduction to chess in Spanish.
El Ajedrez - another sympathetic introduction in Spanish to the mysteries of chess.
El Ajedrez es así - Antonio de la Flor has created this site, that above all adresses itself to beginners. Language: Spanish. - Norbert Thomas manages this website, which contains many good pieces of advice, especially for beginners.
First Mate - Chris Laurie is an elementary teacher and chess instructor in western Canada. His web site is a combination of his research, lesson notes and mini games.
GambiChess is a chess site for the small masters, where the sympathetic Gambi shows them the way to the wonderful world of the 64 squares, and where they can learn chess history, anecdotes, legends and above all learn to play chess. Language: Spanish.
JesWeb - a French play portal, which also recommends the game of chess and presents the rules.
JGBWeb Ajedrez - Jordi Gonzáles Boada informs about the basics of chess. Language: Spanish.
Kid Chess - a free site, which offers tutorials on the basics of chess and individuals can play chess puzzles and games including standard chess, easy chess, monster chess, and the knight’s tour. Individuals can learn about the Chess Place Thursday night chess club, located in Marietta, Georgia, USA, summer camps, tournaments, and after-school programs. was created to encourage children and youngsters to play chess. Language: German.
Learnthat has a simple introduction to chess. " A person can learn the rules of chess in an hour and not master it in a lifetime."
Learn to play chess! - ICC teaches basics in chess.
Learn to Play Chess is an interactive E-book, which is published by ChessCorner. Price 10 dollar.
L´Échiquier Descartois has among other things material, which is intended for beginners. Language: French.
L´école d´échecs contains basic material and simple exercises. Language: French.
Le jeu d´échecs contains chess history, rules and information about the moves of the chess pieces. Language: French.
Alex Miller´s Chess Basics - a simple introduction to chess. has a well-done site - with animations - about chess for beginners. Language: French.
Online Schach Hilfe - FlyorDie have a simple presentation of the chess rules, chess notation and so forth in German. - the aim of the site is to impress the basic rules in the art of chess on complete beginners and casual players. Language: French.
Peque Jaque - Club Ajedrez Horquilla has a training section intended for beginners between 4 and 7 years of age. Beginners can quickly learn to beat the chess program. Language: Spanish.
Predator at the Chess Board - this is in fact an online chess tutorial. The author, Ward Farnsworth, advocates that “this site aspires to be the most detailed and systematic treatment of basic chess tactics yet published.”
Règles du jeu d'échecs - this site is devoted to the game of chess in all its forms: theory, tutorials, art and playing on the net and addresses itself to the enlightened amateur as well as the patzer. The webmaster also invites visitors to discover various strategy games, less known and more exotic than chess, such as Dobutsu Shogi, Bagh-Chal and Xou Dou Qi. Language: French.
Scacchi - a small chess manual for those who are fond of the noble game or want to learn it. Language: Italian.
SchachCast is a podcast about chess. It is aimed primarily at beginners, who are offered an introduction course. The podcast is streaming in real time and listeners can take part in the chat during transmissions. Language: German.
SchachFuchs addresses itself to children and youngsters, who want to learn to play chess. The site contains a great deal of training stuff. Language: German.
Schach für Anfänger by Alexander Fischer, who wants to make beginners more familiar to the game of chess. There is also an animated and voice commented version. Language: German. is a portal, which primarily addresses itself to beginners in chess. You may find all the necessary information for the first games, concerning material and chess rules. Language: German.
Schach in zehn Lektionen by Erhard Frolik. Ten easy lessons with animations. Well-done presentation. Language: German.
Schach lernen - a systematic introduction to chess by Stefan Gernhardt. Language: German.
Schachmeister – chess training for beginners through texts and videos. New lessons, which aims at helping the beginner to improve his game but also how to really learn to learn to play chess, are published almost weekly. Language: German.
Schackonline was from the beginning a site, which contained chess basics, but which besides has developed into a playsite – the first Swedish one – for correspondence chess.
Schackservice has been created by Torbjörn Björklund. For beginners in chess. Language: Swedish.
Schaken - a simple, animated introduction to chess. Language: Dutch.
So you wanna learn how to play chess - well-made introduction on how to play chess.
Hans-Jürgen Stoffels teaches basics in chess for children. Very fundamental. Language: German. - a sort of a webbased encyclopedia, which has a chapter about chess and its foundations. Language: Swedish.
Test Your Chess - this site is for chess players, especially children, who would like to learn how to play better chess. The idea is that you play through the moves of a game and at some point you are asked to think for yourself. Test Your Chess presently uses games played by children.
The U.S Chess Center teaches children how to play chess.
Training mit Hans Rätsch - a numbers of lessons aimed for beginners. Languages: German.
Trainingscentrum van Schaakvereniging Spijkenisse goes through the chess rules, treats chess tactics and openings as well as effective training methods. Language: Dutch.
Tutorial de ajedrez - an elementary introduction to the art of chess playing. Language: Spanish.
Universechecs contains chess rules and exercises for beginners as well as for those players, who want to improve their game. Language: French.
Webechechs - very well-done French site, that treats chess basics.
XavEchecs - a simple and pleasant introduction to the game of chess with rules, games, player biographies and chess history. Language: French.
Up!Main entrance!
123Chess - Marcus Schmücker (2212), who plays at the top board in Königsspringer Iserlohn, offers personal coaching online or at a place. Language: German.
Jacob Aagard, Danish International Master, has worked with chess training in twelve years. Well thought-out homepage. Language: English.
GM Boris Alterman, a native from Ukraine, gives private chess lessons. The page contains some samples of his chess lessons.
Peter Bereolos analyses his games against Grand Masters and does not hesitate to analyse his lost games.
John Cappon has constructed this page for those who want to ameliorate their chess knowledge. He is a professional chess educator and absolutely not a bad player with a rating of 2100 - 2200. Language: French.
Chess Academy is managed by Igor Khmelnitsky, International Master. teaches chess and is managed by GM´s and IM´s from Poland, Ukraina and Georgia. Pay-service.
Chess Area is managed by five capable Roumanian chess players and their coaching is intended for players of all levels. They can coach in Roumanian, English and Hungarian.
Chess Champion School is managed by IM Melikset Khachiyan, born in Azerbadjan, but who emigrated to USA in 2001. The school is situated in California. Khachiyan has coached several well known chess players, who have become Grand Masters later.
Chess Clinic - IM Rashid Ziatdinov, who carries out chess coaching, can also be challenged on ICC. His site contains training material as well as pedagogical articles.
ChessCoach - Don Steers instructs and coaches via ICC. Sessions are $20.00\hour.
Chess for Success - a collection of advices for the average player. - GM Roland Schmaltz and IM Roman Vidonyak promise chess training worth its price with educational material from the Russian chess school. Language: German.
Chessolutions - "learn the secrets of Masterchess" according to the advertisement. Free membership and free lessons.
Chess school Shirov online - GM Alexei Shirov has joined forces with GM Alfonso Romeo and Javier Sans, IM and university teacher, and started an online chess school. The site will also function as Shirov´s personal homepage an follow his life and coming career. Languages: English and Spanish.
Chess Tao - the Ukrainian GM Valeriy Aveskulov is of the opinion that success in chess – except for a few geniuses - is the result of 10% skill and 90% sweat. He also says that it is important to analyse one´s own games and that chess programs never can explain why a move is wrong. Language: English.
ChessTrainer™ is a group Indian chess trainers, who conduct coaching in schools as well as online. Language: English.
Chesswise is a commercial educational site, managed by GM´s Maurice Ashley and Michael Rohde.
Svetoslav Dorobanov, FIDE Master, originally from Bulgaria, but nowadays living in USA, is foremost interested in long term relationships with players who seriously want to improve their game., where Babakuli Annakov, Russian GM, offers a chess course via e-mail. You can also send him your games and have them analysed. is a web magazine. Its analyses are intended mainly for club players with an Elo rating about 1900. Language: French.
Entrenador de ajedrez - Louis Fernando Siles, FIDE Master from Andalusia in Spain, has even trained the Spanish national chess team. He has also edited a chess magazine and been involved in several chess websites. Language: Spanish.
Euwe´s Chess Academy, or Chess Trainer, is located in India and also teaches via e-mail.
Rodolfo Garbarino (2387), IM from Argentine, teaches chess to groups and individuals. The homepage also contains information about his chess career. Language: Spanish.
Viktor Gavrikov, GM from Lithuania, offers chess lessons in English via the server of
GM Boris Alterman Chess Lessons - Boris Alterman was born in Ukraine, but is nowadays living in Israel. He has written "The Alterman Gambit Guide".
GM Laboratory - various Russian GM´s, for example, Konstantin Sakaev, Sergey Ivanov and others analyse their own games.
GM Matthias Wahls Schachseminar - Matthias Wahls, GM from Hamburg, carries on chess tuition both via weekend seminars and via (, the biggest server for chess in real time in Europe. is managed by Vladimir Grabinsky, chess trainer from Ukraine. Nine of his students have achieved the title of grandmaster. In 2009 FIDE awarded him the title of FIDE Senior Trainer. Languages: Russian and English.
Grand Master Chess School is a chess school, which really is managed by grand masters in S:t Peterburg, Russia. “Just by definition a 2500+ player is a better teacher than a 2200 player”, according to the webmasters.
Grandmastercorner. Rafal Furdzik, an American chess player, is webmaster and furthermore the grand Masters Jaan Ehlvest and Alex Wojtkiewics are connected to this site. Analyses and education are offered. There are a great number of games to replay in a Java-reader.
Grandmasters´s Club, which is managed by four Ukrainian grandmasters, offers individualized chess training. Language: English.
Timothy Hanke - an American describes his ongoing training program as he strives to become a chessmaster.
Dan Heisman, US National Master, full-time chess instructor, also gives chess lessons via ICC. is managed by a number of British Grandmasters and International Masters with Tony Kosten as editor. Commercial training site, which “will try to ensure (to) provide a second-to-none service”.
Improving tips discuss different methods of chess improvement. "We may not reach the playing standards of a Karpov or Kasparov, but we may hope to improve our game to be the best player in our chess club!"
Intensive Chess Lessons - three Rumanian chess players, Floresco Codrut (IM), Raul Neagos and Tudor Osianu, have started this webbased chess teaching. They have also experience of live teaching in their local area. Pay service. Language: English.
Igor Ivanov, international master, offers chess instruction to the serious player. Originally Russian, defected to the West in 1979, now partly retired and living in Utah, USA. Language: English.
L´Académie des Echecs is intended for all those who want to improve their chess game. The site does not seem to be completed yet. Joel Laurelle, licensed trainer, offers however direct chess training. There are also player biographies, a list of chess openings, which can be replayed by a game viewer to illustrate every single opening. Language: French.
Les Echecs en noir et blanc is managed by the French GM Andrei Sokolev. Sokolev, who also is coaching the French Chess Federation, leads a chess school which is teaching by correspondence. There are also a lot of commented games and combination exercises on the website.
Guillame Lestrelin, teacher and chess trainer, submits every week a newly-commented and instructive game in form of a video clip on the net. He encourages visitors to look in and enjoy sacrifices, pins, zugzwang and ruthless attacks! Language: French. addresses itself particularly to players with an ELO-rating from 1400 to 1900 and who want to improve their playing by studying commented games, of which there are a hundred on this page. Language: French.
Morrachini Echecs Institut - allow myself to try a free translation of his own presentation: a coach ”à la maison” with the most modern media tools? It is possible! This site offers you chess lessons “à la carte”, pedagogic games, videos, analyses, the opportunity to acquire your individual directory of openings... With Fabrice Moracchini, FM and coach for the French Chess Federation, 25 years of practice... Nice visit!
Sam Palatnik (2438), GM from Odessa, Ukraine, but he nowadays lives in USA. He has a diploma in Engineering Science, been working as a professor in chess theory and was appointed Emeritus Coach of Ukraine, the highest awarded coach by the former Soviet Union. Language: English.
Playing To Win With "Your" Defense - Randy Bauer is of the opinion that a player should truly "own" a defense, and use that defense as a vehicle to expand their overall chess knowledge.
Radechess - Rade Milanovic, IM born in Bosnia, emigrated to U.S.A. in 1998, and is now coaching the successful college chess team of University of Texas at Dallas. He also gives lessons to individuals, groups and over the phone. - Christoph Wiesnewski, (2409), born 1980, learnt the chess rules when he was three years old. He offers his chess knowledge, which is founded on a successful player career and coaching experiences, for public use. Language: German.
Schachtraining mit IM Jaroslaw Srokowski - Jaroslaw Srokowski, holding a diploma as chess trainer, has compiled 25 lessons, which you either can replay directly or download. Language: German.
Ken Smith´s Chess Improvement Course contains many good pieces of advice about how to become a better chess player, for example this one: "To be a winner in chess you must first become a loser to stronger players." Nowadays the link goes to Chess Digest Inc., which has a section "Chess improvement" - under construction.
Study-Chess - Vladimir Belov (2641), born 1984, became a Grand Master in 2004. He is also a qualified chess trainer and is especially noted for his work with female chess players in Russia and Georgia. Languages: Russian and English.
The Basics of Chess with the rules of chess and exercises for both the average and the advanced player.
The game - GM Viktor Moskalenko gives advices how you might improve your game. The page is connected to "Flanc de Rei" - languages: English and Spanish.
is GM Nigel Davies' site containing articles, problems and
details of his distance learning services.
Totalchess is GM Gabriel Schwartzman´s chess school, associated to Caissa´s Web, on the net. The fee is about 10 dollars a month. - chess education for 20 $ per year by GM Patrik Wolff, twice US Champion. by Egon Brestian, IM from Austria, offers chess coaching as well as simultan matches for payment. Language: German. wants to help you to improve in chess. The site also contains game analyses, GM portraits and a chess glossary. Language: Spanish.
64 - for daily chess training. A game and a problem is published every day.
100 % Echecs - Florent Diedler´s site is intended for beginners as well as more advanced players and contains ”everything that concerns chess, rules, tips about how to become a pro…". Language: French.
101 will contain 101 chess tips in the form of short articles.
365 Chess Lessons - good idea, but I am not sure that all links function.
Ace chess openings uses, according to the webmaster Nick Cummings, a revolutionary method to teach a club player to be a winner. Play and review method plus good psychological preparation can turn any club player into a winner. Openings include the virtually unknown Gibbens-Weidenhagen gambit.
Ajedrez21 has a number of chess lessons in HTML- or Chessbase-formats for downloading. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez 32 - a blog, where you can find everything concerning chess, from openings and defences to exercises and chess problems. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez Alex - this blog has been created by a guy who loves the chess world. On his blog you can find many articles about opening studies, position analyses, exercises, theory and curiosities. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez Educativo - Argentinian site, that contains a lot of pedagocical stuff about chess.
Ajedrez Hoy Chess school is directed by IM Guillermo Llanos. Its aim is teaching chess in a personalized way, with tailor-made syllabuses. Languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Ajedrez Master is a webbased chess course in three levels, one basic, one moderately difficult and one advanced. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez por William Yànes is going to publish 24 chess lessons, which Garry Kasparov originally wrote in 1984 - 1985. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez Real is a chess academy, which is managed by IM Daniela Barrìa Zuñiga and WIM Giovana Arbunic from Chile. They also offer a free chess lesson without any further obligations. Language: Spanish.
Ajedrez social en Mexico is a website dedicated to chess training and education with news and videos. Language: Spanish.
Andrew Martin Chess Academy offers chess coaching on-line, annotated games and other services. The staff includes, besides Andrew Martin, well-known chessplayers as GM Glenn Fear, GM Nigel Davies and WGM Yelena Dembo.
Remy Artinyans blog does not contain very much material in the beginning, but will eventually be filled with stuff for players and trainers: studies, games and everything that can improve your game. Language: French.
Alexander Bangiev, IM, has developed a new instruction method, which he calls "The Field Strategy" (Der Felderstrategie) and which also may be practised via Internet. He is also working for ChessBase. Language: German.
Nick Bego, Canadian chess player, who grew up in Greece, delivers inexpensive chess lessons.
Cristophe Bernard, international master, has a site, that among other things contains 500 exercises. Language: French.
Biblioteca de ajedrez - the aim of this blog is to support the study of this beautiful game. The blog contains presentations of chess books as well as digitalized study material. Language: Spanish.
Big Dummy Chess contains tactical exercises to help you to reduce those Big Dummy errors. All of the positions are taken from games the webmaster himself played on internet.
Black & White - ein Schachkurs with chess rules, openings, combinations and endgames and so on. The homepage is not yet finished, but seems promising. Language: German.
Cavalier bleu (The Blue Knight) addresses itself to beginners as well as more advanced players with the useful tools to achieve progress in chess: news, exercises, free courses, games, reading tips and other information. Language: French.
Chess99 - the webmaster is an International Master and since many years chess coach. He wishes to share some of his knowledge and even to let loose the anger he got from so many absurdities he have heard from weak coaches, from some students and chess books. A chess calendar is also associated with the site.
Chessaid is managed by Marcin Kaminski, Pawel Blehm, both GM:s and John Lawson. Chessaid offers different chess courses. There is also sales and a discussion forum.
Chess and Poker - James Yates has developed a series of Blitz Chess strategy guides that “advance game theory in this exciting Chess variation”. is run by the Indian FIDE-Master Arun Pandit. Language: English.
Chessbug - the site for chess lovers and for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the game. Chessbug contains material about openings, middle and endgame as well as book reviews.
Chess-coach. com ”loves recommending books, equipment and software”. GM Gadir Guseinov and FM Dragan Stamenkovic also give chess lessons. Language: English. – on Stefan Knappe´s homepage you can find a lot of stuff concerning chess training - tactics, endgames, openings, news. Furthermore you also can download his software "ChessCoach" for Palm and in future for Pocket PC too. Language: German.
Chess is a website that is aimed at all chess players who are interested in the game and who want to improve their game, discuss news and information with other chess players, and generally participate in the online chess community.
Chess Doctor with both free- and pay-service.
Chessendgames - play interactive chess endgames against a computer. - step by step articles for beginner and intermediate players. “Learn interesting things about chess that will help you win your games! Learn about tactical procedures and how you should play the openings, middle game and the ending.”
Chess is fun contains basic information as well as more advanced pieces of advice by Jon Edwards.
Chess Killer Tips is provided by Alexandra Kosteniuk. You can download chess problems via podcast. Chess Killer Tips took the second place at Podcast Alley´s rating list on September 2007. is an online chess video library. They offer a brand new video everyday, Monday thru Friday. The fee for this service is $12.95 per month. - IM Vojislav Milanovic offers chess lessons using Skype. You can contact him via ICC, Playchess and WCL.
Chess lessons - Diego Mussanti, FIDE-master from Argentine, offers chess lessons for chess players of all levels, from beginners to advanced players. Pay-service. Language: English and Spanish.
Checkmate seems to be under construction, because the content is thin. The site is down. - "because losing sucks". Mig Greengard has created this "easily digested" page in collaboration with ChessBase and London Chess Centre. Under construction when this is written.
Chess Odyssey - learning chess is a long, adventurous journey for most of us. Proficiency at chess is not developed overnight; it is a demanding and often frustrating game. Well-done website from Portland, USA.
ChessProfessor - Matthieu Bissieres is a professional chess trainer since 1989. Language: French. He hopes that his website will help the internet surfers to improve in the noble game of chess. organizes chess tours to St. Petersburg Chess School, which is managed by Alexander Khalifman.
Chess training, that is managed by IM Volodia Vaisman, living in France but originally from Romania, offers chess training based on new methods. Language: French.
Chess training online - here you’ll find lessons in chess tactics, chess lectures, thousands of chess combinations, some chess history and chess games of all World Championships. You can coach yourself online. Languages: English, German and Russian.
Chess Training School, managed by FM Charles Galofre, offers online chess training. He appears to be highly experienced in producing chess videos and the site contains many chess book reviews.
Chess Tutorials - this is a sort of support site, which sorts the extensive (and unsorted?) information on the well-known site of Exeter Chess Club. – watch free chess training videos or join the forums and post/discuss your own games.
Chess Visualisation Training - when making a search for "blindfold chess" on the internet you soon find information that one of the most important advances in your chess life is to master the art of visualisation. Many webbased exercises.
ChessZone - a virtual chess school, which offers commented games from the latest tournaments, digital chess books, chess programs and a newsletter, which among other things contains chess exercises. Languages: Russian and English.
Clases de ajedrez offers chess lessons for chess players of all levels, from beginners to advanced players. Pay-service. Language: Spanish and English.
Clases de ajedrez y Estrategias de ajedrez is run by IM Fermín González. You can improve your game systematically in this way on the net. According to him his teaching is nowadays very popular, not only through this site and in direct contact with him, but also through Facebook and Canal de videos de ajedrez de Youtube.
Cox Chess Corner contains a complete training program aimed at the club player as well as the tournament player.
Curriculum in Chess to be used in teaching pupils from twelve to eighteen years of age, which has been elaborated by school authorities on the Canaries. Language: Spanish.
Das große Schachtraining - Taktikaufgaben per Email - here you can get free instructive tactical exercises by e-mail every week. The exercises are saved in a small ChessBase database. This database can be opened by any chess program, that supports the ChessBase format. Those who play correspondence chess at may also subscribe to the exercises. You can also try to solve the exercises at the Freechess server in competition with other players. Language: German.
DeanOfChess.Com - Dean Ippolito, international master, has taught chess in USA since 1988. One of his most successful pupils is 5 year-old Eric Liao, but he also trains 84 year-old people.
Echecs31 contains information about – and links to – chess training. Language: French.
ÉchecsPass - from the presentation:”The game of chess, recognized as a sport today, is a tremendous tool of expression and leisure. The idea of this site is principally to make you discover this, and for others, to progress as players (free translation)”. Language: French.
Ecole d´Echecs et
d´Informatique des Remparts
- chess school on Tahiti. Beautiful site. Language:
Ecole de jeu échecs toulousaine provides chess courses on the net for beginners and club players. Language: French.
EDAMI (La Escuela de Ajedrez de Miquel Illescas) - a Spanish chess school situated in Barcelona.
En passant is a good educational site. According to the webmaster "this page (is) meant to provide conceptual instruction, some finite principals, and a practical survey of openings and endgames". The link does not function at the moment.
Escuela de Ajedrez is a Spanish chess school on the net, which I have not investigated closer.
Etud Chess School in Moscow is also represented on the Internet. Substantial website. Language: Russian.
Exeter Chess Club Coaching Page, a page for people, who wants to learn or teach how to play chess, gives a solid impression. The page also has a valuable link collection. Start here! states that wherever you are on this planet, in China, America, Russia, Europe, Asia or Africa, you can learn chess on their website. Even in the deepest jungle or in the Antarctica.
FIDE Trainer´s Commission recommends these chessbooks in English, German, Russian and Spanish.
Finite Chess is dedicated to those who love chess but have little time to "study" the game, and also for those who are just starting to open the books. This site is also intended to provide useful material for those who teach chess at a scholastic level. The site presents conceptual instruction, selected core principles, and a practical survey of openings and endgames.
Five-Move Analysis Method by Michael Greengard, "Mig", who writes for The Week in Chess as well as ChessBase, or about the art of learning from your own defeats.
Frankfurt Chess Tigers Schach-Förderverein 1999 e.V. is busy building an online chess university. Training plans and lessons for players of all levels, including players who want to play Fischer Random Chess (here named Schach960), will be submitted step by step. Language: German.
Free Chess Strategies Videos created by Chad Kimbell, an International Chess Master, rated 2470.
Für Schachlehrende is a site for chess instructors, who want to collaborate concerning chess training. Registration necessary. Language: German.
Yevgen Grinis has a chess school on the net, which addresses itself to chess friends with various playing strength and who want to improve their play. Language: German.
Grundlagen der Schachstrategie - an electronic chess book, which demands a certain intimate knowledge of the chess vocabulary and which therefore is intended for the advanced club player, by Rolf Menck. Language: German.
Norbert Heymann devotes himself to chess journalism professionally. He has written more than 500 articles, 46 chess books and brochures and manages a chess chronicle in the weekly ”Prisma” with a circulation of 4.5 millions. Language: German. - the author promises that his system is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to become an excellent chess player. This is among other things being able to foresee the opponent´s next move.
IchessU - learn and play online chess with qualified chess coaches. According to IchessU Ltd. this website is among the best offering chess lessons from their own team of coaches. has a section, where master games are commented in the form of chess videos.
International Chess University is according to the presentation the world's first international chess university, dedicated to online chess education, using real audio and video over the internet.
Jussopow Schachakademie - Artur Jussopow, born in 1960, has played for both the Soviet and the German national chess teams. The Chess Academy offers not only chess training but also publishes chess books. is a privately run chess site aimed for chess enthusiasts all over the world. It is a multi-featured site mainly for beginners and intermediate players with instructional material, chess puzzles, chess history, news of the chess world, downloads, annotated games, comprehensive link collection and more.
Le Jeu d´echecs expliqué (The Chess Game Explained) - a very instructive site about everything that concerns chess. Especially the glossary, which contains 423 terms, is recommended. Language: French.
Le jeu d´échecs facile with free courses for beginners as well as more advanced players. Many game analyses. Language: French.
Le mieux d´Emmanuel Neiman contains exercises and chess problems. ”The five bishops” is one especially entertaining problem. Language: French.
Le petit joueur (The small player) – a site for the small players by a small player. But the chess studies prove that the small player is not very small, at least not intellectually. Language: French.
Le secret de la pensée échiquéenne - Michel Barré, who contributes to Revue Échecs and the Quebec Chess Federation, has created this site to help players to quickly understand the secrets of chess thinking. Language: French.
Lupu Chess Club, which is run by Serge Lupu, contains a chess course, commented games, a tactics tester and so on. Language: French.
Manuel des Echecs - this chess manual with 40 lessons in PDF-format has been prepared by Jean-Christian Galli and is distributed by the Corsican Chess Federation. Language: French and some Corsican.
Mark Lowery´s Exiting World of Chess contains partly a chess course, which is intended for beginners as well as more advanced players, and partly an article about the origin of chess.
MrJon - the site has been created with the aim of improving our knowledge of ”this noble game”. Registration is necessary. Language: French.
My system of inquires in chess - there are a number of inquiries one should make upon thinking about any move in chess. Stuart the Maniac presents a partial list of such inquires, use it and maybe watch your rating shoot up!
Pascal´s Schaaktrainingspagina - Pascal Loosekot has compiled a number of game analyses, endgame and mate exercises. Language: Dutch.
Planet Chess contains chess instruction, articles, opening guide and theory, annotated games, planning section, and more!
Prime Support and Services offers chess training, especially for players rated between 1200 - 2100 ELO.
Professorchess - Jim Mitz from Oregon, USA, has created a site in order to support chess training. Hundred of pages may be downloaded free.
Progresser aux echecs - Xavier Bédouin, IM and licensed trainer, offers tailor-made courses on the net. Language: French.
Progressez aux Echecs avec Krzysztof Pytel - Krzysztof Pytel, IM and an experienced trainer, offers chess training in French, Polish, English and Spanish.
R.K.Choksi School of Chess, founded in 2003, is the first chess school in Gujarat, India. It reaches out to schools, children and adults for development of their mind through Chess.
Tom Rowan´s Chess Notes - as a long-time tournament player and chess coach, he has made quite a few notes on techniques and resources that he has found useful for improving one's play. These web pages collect some of these notes that he think might be of value to other players and coaches.
Satranç Okulu (Chess school) - chess lessons, analysis, problems and Turkish chess news. Language: Turkish.
Schach - this site by Stefan K. Baur, which contains chess rules, mates, opening theory and so on, exists in fact in three different designs, dating from 2004, 2005 and 2006 respectively. Language: German.
Schach-AG der Herder-Oberschule Berlin-Charlottenburg is a ”chess workshop” in a senior compulsory school in Berlin, Germany. The pupils study and play chess in the school, but they also have access to numerous training material, that also may be used by the visitors of the homepage. Languages: German, but English is on its way.
Schachakademie Holger Möller - Holger Möller is a chess trainer. Language: German. - here you can find tips and advices, which correspond to your playing strength, tips, which can give you an advantage when playing against an opponent. Language: German. - German site, which started in October 2002. The webmaster strives to create an extensive, informative and lucid chess site for all chess enthusiasts. - Frank Große manages this ambitious, chess training blog. Language: German.
Schachtraining Online, which is managed by Bernd Rosen, licensed trainer. Language: German.
Schach-TV with the subtitle "more than just 64 squares" is a YouTube channel for video clips about chess, not only game analyses. Language: German.
Schachvideos contains a small chess video collection. Language: German.
Schackskolan (The Chess School) - the Swedish Chess Federation has an exhaustive chess course on the web, especially intended for those with some knowledge of chess. Language: Swedish.
Schackuniversitetet online (The Chess University On-line) is managed by Jesper Hall, IM and author of chess books, and Tom Wedberg, GM, and will deliver chess courses and lectures live via Internet. Language: Swedish.
Yury Shulman International Chess School – Yury Shulman (2636), who was born in Belarus, has many strings to his bow. He is presently active in USA and has founded Chess Without Borders. Its mission statement: To promote learning through combining chess education with service and philanthropy. - the main idea of this site is to provide the user with a set of self-study tools for player development. The user can select learning material by himself/herself in the database.
Sjakkskolen - Norwegian site, which contains useful stuff for chess students as well as instructors/leaders.
Skakstudio has developed an educational program in seven steps. Besides the website can deliver individual, tailor-made education. Language:Danish.
Steven Smythe has a site for chess training, which is intended mainly for beginners and players with an ELO up to 2000.
Stukken - Choumicha, a Dutch organization that works among young people, has a website with a chess section, that contains a number of combination exercises. “Stukken” in Dutch has several meanings, among other things ”article (for a paper)” and ”pieces”. Languages: Dutch and English.
Teachess - chess education and training for all ages and levels. Argentinian site. Languages: Spanish, Portugues and English.
Ten chess lessons, which can be carried out directly on the website, from Ajedrez en Madrid. Language: Spanish. (Chess training/General)
The Basics of Chess with chess rules and exercises for the average as well as the advanced player.
The Chess Improver - GM Nigel Davies on getting better in chess. Nigel Davies, who has worked a great deal with beginners, also gives private lessons.
The Great Pawn Hunter Chess Tutorial by Manus Pattrick Fealy, who publishes chess lessons for any type of player. He also uses stories to explain the moves of the chess pieces.
The Study Simul - play against GM Viktor Gavrikov and learn simultaneously. Language: English.
The Vaja International Chess Academy is managed by NM Ashish Vaja and based in Wisconsin, USA. He writes: ”Chess is not a game, it is not a sport, and it is not an art. It is a cultural bridge, a language, an escape, a quest for perfection, and for me, a lifelong passion. Within the checkered board lies a new world.”
For Parents of Young Chessplayers from Duif's Place
- if you're the parent of a young chessplayer, you
know both you and your child face special challenges. Chess is a game without
any luck at all, so how do you maintain a child's interest while they're going
through the novice stage?
Trainer Thomas - Thomas Schreiber is both a chess trainer and a tournament leader. Language: German.
Tutorial on Chess Notation describes the different systems of notation, which are in use.
Understanding Chess is managed by Mansour Bighamian, living in Texas, who has taught chess for over quarter of a century. Commercial site.
Useful Chess contains chess rules and some exercises.
Denis Vekemanns has a homepage with 30 lessons, each containing endgame exercises, chess problems and games to view. Language: French.
Veenendaalse Schaakvereniging in the Netherlands has a growing section with material for chess training. Language: Dutch. - well-frequented Brasilian site. Language: Portuguese. Broken link.
YouTube Chess Game Analysis contains many commented chess games, however with varying quality. by Matt Feldsted is intended for the beginner as well as the more advanced player. The page contains chess problems and essential tactics which are explained with diagrams.
This sub-category comprises homepages to chess education, which chiefly is carried out in place and not via the web. In some cases the homepages can nevertheless contain useful information about chess as a game.
Ajedrez Escolar runs chess education for children in Monterrey, Mexico.
Chess4Children - Joe Hanley teaches chess in the Los Angeles area. The homepage contains some examples of his educational material.
Echecultures organizes chess training and tournaments in primary schools in Paris, France.
Escuela de Ajedrez is an example of a local chess school, in the quarter of Delicias in Zaragoza, Aragonia. Language: Spanish.
Nonna Karakashyan´s Chess Pages - Nonna Karakshyan is international arbiter as well as chess instructor in New Jersey, US.
NTG Sjakk - Norges Toppidretts Gymnas (The Norwegian High School for Elite Athletics) has a chess course, which is managed by GM Simen Agdestein, who also has coached Magnus Carlsen. The curriculum is well-worked out and ambitious.
Karpov Schachzentrum Baden-Baden - the chess academy at Karpov Schachzentrum was opened 1998. Language: German.
L´Association Echecs & Patrimonie, managed by Stéphane Bidet, arranges chess summer camps for children in a historical environment of great natural beauty in the monastery Saint-Ferréol of Lorgues in Provence, close to the Mediterranean. Language: French.
Münchener Schachakademie offers a great variety of courses, all the way from beginner courses to courses in chess psychology and tournaments preparations. Language: German. - a small family enterprise, which organizes chess teaching at day nurseries, after-school centres and schools in Munich.
Schachschule Slobodyan in Staßfurt, Germany, was founded by Svitlana Slobodyan, licensed chess trainer, in November 2006. She is assisted by her brother, Roman, a GM. Language: German.
Harald Schneider-Zinner is a government educated and licensed chess trainer in Austria. Though the site chiefly is about his training activities, there is also a number of tactical exercises. Language: German.
Tiroler Schach - the homepage also contains some chess problems as well as tutorials. Language: German.
Tiroler Schachschule in Austria offers chess courses for children, pupils and youngsters. Their trainers are qualified teachers and belong to the chess elite of Tyrol. Language: German.
Woodbridge School Chess Club in Britain has 200 members. The homepage also contains a considerable number of practical advices and exercises.
With that is referred to organizations, which for example promote chess among children and young people.
A Guide to Scholastic Chess - this guide was created to help teachers and scholastic chess organizers who wish to begin, improve, or strengthen their school chess program. It covers how to organize a school chess club, run tournaments, keep interest high, and generate parental and public support
Ajedremundi - with the subtitle ”The psychology and culture of chess” – is a company, which chiefly is devoted to the promotion of chess in Latin America. The homepage contains certain tournament coverage and chess problems. Language: Spanish.
Ajesur is a company, which specializes in chess due to pedagogic reasons. During just a couple of years Ajesur has taught 2000 children, started more than 30 chess schools in Grenada, Spain, and organized more than 100 tournaments. Language: Spanish.
American Chess University´s mission is to develop instructional management programs for teachers, chess coaches and trainers. This FIDE and USCF sanctioned organization offers a complete curriculum designed for chess professionals.
America´s Foundation for Chess has the opinion that research from around the world reveals that chess is improving children's critical thinking and problem solving skills. Conclusion: to make chess an official part of the curriculum.
Amity Chess Academy - this academy in India is set up with an aim to provide a platform for the upcoming players to nurture their talents and make a mark in national and international chess. Language: English.
Área Ajedrez - the province government in Chaco, Argentine, has a culture department with a chess division, which is promoting chess as a social, cultural and sport activity. Language: Spanish.
Association Belge pour le Développement des Échecs strives to introduce a new metod for the development of chess in Belgium, but also to offer among others the schools a new resource. Language: French.
Centro de treinamento em xadrez - the aim of CTX is to spread propaganda for chess in all corners of Brazil by courses, lectures, interviews and reports about chess events. Language: Portuguese.
Chess Academy of Armenia was founded in 2002 with the support of the Armenian Chess Federation and the Armenian government. Its objective is to maintain the high standard of chess by various means in the country. Languages: Armenian, English and Russian.
Chess – a Peace Ambassador was founded by Anna Matnadze and friends in 2005. The main goals of the movement are the popularization of chess, the development of women's chess, assistance to disabled and disadvantaged children, assistance to victims of natural disasters, the foundation of chess clubs and chess schools aimed at chess development.
Chess for Success is an American, non-profit organization dedicated to helping children develop skills necessary for success in school and life by learning chess.
Chess in Morocco - the release of this site 2010 to promote chess activities in Morocco coincided with the distribution of 200.000 chessboards mainly to schools throughout the country. Languages: French and English. - homepage for the American organization, Chess Education Association. Their mission is more chess in the schools and "a dedication to teach children positive life values through the chess experience".
Chess on Greenland - this site promotes the development of chess activity on Greenland. Also outsiders may contribute. - Australian organization, that aims to inspire young people with the beauty and excitement of chess through the implementation of structured educational programmes.
Der Schachfreund is a private organizer of children and amateur chess, an activity which has been undertaken during more than 35 years. Besides the chess club Coblenz, the most highly located chess club in Vienna, is represented on their site as well as a creditable link collection, above all to chess organizations in Austria as well as the neighbouring states. Language: German.
Educational Technologies has specialized in chess education for elementary school students in southern Connecticut, USA, since 1999. All instructors are current or former members of the successful West Haven High School Chess Team.
Escuela Nacional de Ajedrez (ESNAJ), that was founded more than thirty years ago, is the most important organization in Mexico to interest children in the game of chess. Language: Spanish.
FIDE Training! Don´t miss the action! - in 1998 FIDE formed a committee, FIDE Trainers Committee, comprising of leading chess trainers around the chess globe. In this article IM Jovan Petronic presents the committee, summarizes its activity up-to-date and talks about its plans for the future.
Green Country Chess, Inc. - American organization specializing in chess for children.
Jóvenes promesas del ajedrez uruguayo - a programme managed by the Uruguay Chess Federation to discover and train young chess talents.
JRedition from Spain runs an educational project, ”Ajedrez en la escuela”, which among other things includes 10 textbooks and webbased support. Language: Spanish.
Kasparov Chess Foundation, founded by the former World Chess Champion, has as its mission to bring the many educational benefits of chess to children throughout the United States by providing a complete chess curriculum and enrichment programs.
KiSch - das Kinderschachportal - this portal was created in the beginning of 2006 with the Yahoo-Newsgroup "KiSch", founded two years previously, as basis. More than 350 members exchange information and views upon the theme chess for children as well as tournaments and training stuff. Language: German.
L´échiquier de la Reussite endeavours to spread knowledge about and promote the game of chess among schoolchildren in France. The organization co-operates with the French Chess Federation.
Le Pôle Social et Éducatif du Jeu d'Échecs (PSEJE) is a French project, that was started in 2011, to promote chess training and facilitate chess practice in various fields, for example in schools.
NyChessKids was organized by IM Saudin Raobovic to improve communication between educators, parents, and kids involved in scholastic chess in New York. is a nonprofit organization, which addresses itself to children and youth between the ages of 4 and 18. Special emphasis is placed on youth who are disadvantaged, socially at risk, or reside in distressed neighborhoods in District of Columbia, that is Washington with surroundings.
Proyecto Educativo - what is chess? Game, sport, art or science? Which is its pedagogical value? These questions are discussed in the presentation of this project. Language: Spanish.
Renaissance Knights a nonprofit organization in Illinois, utilizing chess as a tool to improve academic, intellectual and social skills.
Schackledarens hemsida, which is located on the website of the Chess Federation of Roslagen, caters for anyone managing a chess class. The aim of the website is to assist the instructor´s work as much as possible by providing instruction manuals, chess variants and ready-made lessons. Language: Swedish.
Sjakkpedagogiskt forum works for Norwegians pupils having the opportunity to play chess during school time.
Stiftung Deutsches Schulschach - German foundation for promoting chess in the schools.
Svenska Schackakademien, which originally was founded in 1986, has as purpose to promote the game of chess in Sweden. The activity of the academy should aim at bringing the game of chess economic resources, preferably considerable amounts. The academy should especially support Swedish ventures in international top-level and in young people playing chess.
Sydney Academy of Chess is one of the biggest chess coaching firms in New South Wales, Australia, coaching over one thousand school children around Sydney every week. Their students range from primary school aged students to more advanced senior school students aiming for results at the numerous chess competitions around the state.
TACTIC (Turkish African Cooperation for Training and Instruction in Chess) is an initiative taken by the Turkish Chess Federation in 2009, aimed at helping the development of chess federations in Africa.
The American Chess Coaching Company - their goal is to become a source of information, products and services to those individuals who are interested in teaching and promoting the royal game of Chess as well as a teaching guide to students of Chess.
The Chess Academy was started by professional educator, John P. Buky, to promote chess in the schools in USA as part of the educational curriculum.
The Roving ChessNuts - since 2001, The Roving ChessNuts have taught tournament chess in scores of schools in western Canada. Thousands of students from Grades 1 through 12 have been involved.