Aula 64 registers chess software, mainly different chess utilities, among other things, an e-mail program, a database and a chess tutor. Language: English and Spanish. Broken link. (3/4 2004)
Chess utilities - links to different kind of chess software, a complement to other download sites.
Chessware - this download site is characterized by the clear and concise descriptions of the chess software.
Chessweb´s Freeware and Shareware Download Page lists 39 chess program, most of them come with their own interfaces (chess boards). The programs - some of them rather weak in strength - are shortly presented. has a download section with various software.
Computer Schach und Spiele has incorporated University of Nis Computer Chess Page, which chiefly lists Winboard-engines. Exhaustive presentations and analyzes of the programs are added. Language: English.
Dan Corbit - Dan Corbit´s site contains a lot of software, especially chess engines, and other chess related material for downloading.
Darkside functions as a mirror site to Pitt-Archive, with many chess programs, and Hyatt´s site (Crafty), including all EGTBs (End Game Table Bases). A PGN-Archive is under construction too.
En Passant, Nörresundby Skakklub has also a section, from which many programs and utilities can be downloaded. Language: Danish and English.
Escac i Net - Catalan home page, which registers some software I have not seen before.
Frank´s Chess Page contains a huge amount of WinBoard-compatible engines and information about everything regarding WinBoard.
Freedownloads Center with 20000 program titles. You may find some chess software there too.
Free Software Foundation provides this directory with chess related programs (with the GNU General Public License) as a service to the free software community.
Les programmes d´echec has a very extensive list with chess program, which also have been marked. Many programs can be downloaded directly. Language: French.
Logithèque - French download-site with some chess programs. - you might find some chess programs on this download site from Quebec. Language: French.
PGN Utilities - lots of PGN-utilities to download.
PH-download - Czech site, that contains many amateur chess programs with their own interfaces as well as many chess engines. Many of those programs were previously listed on Gambit-Soft´s (now lost) download section.
Pitt Chess Archives has not only game collections but also free chess software, playing programs and so forth. is a download site, which also contains a number of free chess programs. Language: Spanish.
Programy szachowe - Polish download site for chess software, but to understand the titles you do not have to understand Polish...
RWBC Chess lists a number of older chess engines, which no longer have any active homepages. Language: English.
SDChess - Russian website, which registers more than 80 WinBoard-compatible engines for downloading. Language: Russian and English.
Sector Matématica from Chile has a list with free chess software. Language: Spanish. - German download site with some chess software, which you can not find anywhere else. has a section for downloading chess software.
Winsite - the search function found 133 titles of chess software the 1st of June 2002.
ZDnet - one of the absolutely best download sites on Internet. There are a lot of chess software there too. For example Kchess Elite 32 3.5 and ChessPartner 4.3 up to 4.05 P.M 3/7 2001 had been downloaded 201602 respectively 105754 times.
ZNET - another very good download site. K-Chess Elite 32 3.6 had for example been downloaded 582211 times totally and ChessPartner 5.1 119 664 times 20/12 2001.