Link collections simply means that the website consists of a number of links, sorted or unsorted, commented or uncommented. Personally I prefer sorted and commented links in order not having to click on every link to find out what it is all about.
AjedreChess Multiweb - 784 links (23/12 2001) selected and sorted by Ruben Casafus, FIDE-master. A goldmine concerning Latinamerican clubs and organizations. - well-organized Spanish link collection, which is constantly updated.
Allkarlos link collection (Chess Webaid) - German link collection, well done but not especially extensive.
Annuaire - French link collection with 1342 links (23/3 2008), shortly commented.
Base de liens échiquéens - new French link collection with 1015 links on the 27th of September 2003.
Chess & Echecs is in practice a collection of links, but contains also a lot of unusual pictures of chess playing astronauts, top player´s family members and various chess illustratations. If you, contrary to lord Byron, believe that life is long enough, you ought to take a closer look at the site. Language: French.
Chess, created in 2009, presents itself as a complete chess directory with many categories: computer chess, chess store, lessons, downloads, online chess, chess links.
ChessEBook has a huge collection of categorized chess links. Languages: English, German and Russian.
Chessehub - link collection, compiled from the results of searching for certain relevant chess terms. is a commented link collection. It is hard to tell how often the collection is updated.
Chesshelp functions as a kind of guide to chess resources on the web.
Chess Links - small link collection, that yet seems to be updated regulary, by Lucian Millis. - link collection in construction, that is run by and
Chess with lots of links, not lots of graphics. Chess, not variants.
ChessLink Switzerland - Swiss link collection with about 1000 links. Language: German and English. has a well arranged link collection with short comments.
Chess on the web – the concept behind the site was born out of a desire to bring together the best chess related website links in one place. This was achieved with the publication of the Chess on the web Handbook, the webmaster´s e-book, which has a multitude of useful chess links and is a useful reference for all chess enthusiasts.
Chessopolis has been the absolutely best link collection on the net, with a good classification and short comments. It is a pity that the site is not updated so often anymore. If you want continue to surf in chess cyberspace, Chessopolis offers a splendid starting point. A personal favorite.
Chess Space is an old link collection, which has not developed particulary much.
Chess Town with links to a number of chess programs, commercial as well as amateur, and to databases. - see also "Gateways to chess" - has an excellent link collection.
Clink - Click a link! You apply for a registration of a link, which will be approved or not. Besides you can vote on and mark the links. So far the biggest link collection on the net with 5000 links. The risk with such a big link collection is that a single link easily might drown in the sea of links. is a human-edited directory - and search engine - with a chess section. It is constructed and maintained by users for users. Language: Spanish.
CyberComputing Chess - a small link collection by Steven Schafersman from Midlands, Texas. – online game directory with categorized, searchable listings of online game sites.
dmoz Open Directory Project has 1062 links to chess (27/5 2003).
Drakensang Online is in practice a link collection, which refers to various chess resources.
Edinburgh University Chess Club Home Page - their "essential links" to chess on Internet.
Essential Links to Chess is the link collection of the American portal Essential Links to chess.
Armin Fingerhut´s chess links are sorted, but in principle uncommented. Language: English.
Erhard Frolik´s link collection is elegant and interesting, but not especially extensive. Language: German.
Michael Goeller, who is associated with the Urosov Gambit, also has a link collection.
Index of chess articles - Wikipedia´s very comprehensive list of chess articles. The articles are sorted in five groups, and alphabetical within the group
Interactive Chess Links is a link collection, which is somewhat differently organized. From the left to the right you get a proper name, for example KasparovChess, in the next square a short presentation and in the square most far to the right a category. In contrast to all other link collections it is not so stupidly thought.
Kommentierte Schachlinks - link collection in German divided in three categories: chess federations, clubs and the rest. – a French link collection, which also has a section with chess links.
Linkebodas kommenterade schacklänkar (Linkeboda´s Commented Chess Links) is the best Swedish link collection about chess (besides this one). Robert Ericsson has gone in for quality ahead of quantity. Language: Swedish. - the latest (16/9 2007) chess link collection from the Netherlands.
Listinus contains about sixty German chess sites, often with banners.
Notzai is reconstructing its link collection. The previous link collection had the witty name La Chess French Connexion and contained 300 commented links. The old banner is attached. Language: French. is a Dutch portal, that also contains a section with chess links. Language chiefly Dutch, but English is also used.
Jovan Petronic has a good link collection. Language: English.
Russian Chess also has a link collection. Languages: Russian and English.
Schaaklinks is a Dutch based website, but most of the links (610 on August 7 2004) refer to websites in English. Beautiful design. - Dutch link collection, uncommented but well arranged.
Schach kompakt is first and foremost a chess search engine, which contrary to an ordinary search engine, searches only for chess sites. Besides the website also contains chess news and chess statistics. Language: German. - Mattias Dobkowics has started this link collection. It is to be hoped that the collection grows. Language: German.
Schach - a new, Austrian link collection about chess. You can suggest a link directly, perhaps your own chess site. (Der Webkatalog für Schachinteressierte) – a new German chess link collection, which on the 28th of September contained 1334 links sorted in 36 categories.
Schachverzeichnisse (Chess lists) - the chess club in Liestal, Swiss, has an unusually good link collection. - uncommented, Dutch link collection.
Steve Pribut´s link collection is a classic link collection, one of the first on Internet, but during the last two years the site has seldom been updated. It seems as this state is going to change now.
Rajncajn´s Cyber Chess - well done site with rather many links.
Rochade Kuppenheim has a section with commented links to the most important chess sites. The rest of the club page is also worth seeing. Language: German.
John Sollén has a comprehensive, uncommented link collection. is a link collection, that has been revived. It now works more like a search engine for chess.
Stop by again - uncommented link collection, that started with 500 links. - a general portal in Spanish, where you also might find a considerable number of chess sites.
Eric Svoboda´s link collection is simple and uncommented.
The ChessExpress Webring tries to create a webring with selected links.
Chess Matrix contains about 1000 links till
sites, which deal with chess and other board games.
The Chess - this link collection, which is well designed but not so extensive, shall not be confused with this one, The Chess Portal (Schackportalen).
The Collectors Shop contains also some chess links.
The Emporium functions mainly as a collection of links. How often it is updated, is harder to decide.
Top 100 Chess Links is also a webring which aims to increase reciprocal traffic between its member sites.
Toy Box 2000 has a link collection to all kinds of chess equipment, probably more specialized than this link collection in this respect.
Tuttogratis - Spanish-speaking site for downloads of freeware, including chess programs.
Bill Wall´s link collection is comprehensive but solely alphabethically arranged. Some comments.
World Chess Links is - when these lines are written on April 2 2006 - a chess link collection in construction. Languages: Italian, Spanish and English.
Yahoo´s collection numbers 350 links.